Find your happy with Massage, Movement and Crystals.
Tonia Mee
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I became a Yoga Teacher after my mum died in 2017, it was such an eye opening experience of grief, and I had an overwhelming feeling that the only way to relieve it was to help others. I instantly felt Create Happy Thoughts fitted with what I wanted to put out in the world! Which became CHTYoga for short
I love teaching Yoga the slow meditation of movement, the listening to the internal, and the rebuilding of confidence and strength in the amazing humans that I teach is so powerful and I am so in love with it and genuinely moved by it in every class I teach.
But journeys have many roots and branches and one thing can easily lead to another which is how I became a Gong Practitioner. I experienced my first Sound Bath during my Yoga studies and my mind was blown! I had never experienced such clarity thanks to an amazing practitioner and a beautiful Paiste Mercury Gong which I now practice with.
Another branch of my journey has been becoming a Massage Therapist a role I feel I was destined to play, that extra string to my bow which has really helped me develop my understanding of the human body as well as my love for aromatherapy (which I am now doing a diploma in) and essential oils.
I love being creative and see it as a form of meditation switching off and feeling absorbed by drawing, sewing, making it doesn’t have to be amazing it just needs to take you away on a little journey of self discovery Love Love Love It!
Well that’s Mee! Lovely to meet you all and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Lots of Love